Our professional service delivery is designed to bring value to your business by allowing us to become an extension of your management and operation functions. We can help through partnering with you to build shareholder values in the following:
Our technical core competencies in accounting and finance, information technology and management consulting solutions are integrated into disciplined methodologies and supported by highly-skilled professionals and support staff.
Accounting and Finance Solutions
AIMS provide “best practices” accounting and finance solutions to support the organizational and operational goals of federal government and commercial sector clients. Our customized services support clients through many solutions that strategically redirect internal resources toward activities of greater value. Our highly-skilled professionals are flexible, supported by proven methodologies and continuously aligned to each client's objectives and strategies.
Information Technology Solutions
At AIMS, our team of highly-skilled experts provides a wide range of mission-critical information technology solutions to both federal government and commercial clients. Our reliable solutions infuse information technology into our clients' business processes for increased effectiveness and efficiency and ensure projects are completed on time and within budget parameters. AIMS effectively utilize technology to maximize your resources. We have an enviable history of meeting the quantitative demands of metrics-driven, performance-based contracting. Using a properly executed methodology, our projects deliver results and exceed your expectations.
Management Consulting Solutions
AIMS provide state-of-art management consulting solutions to support the organizational and operational goals of federal government and commercial sector clients. Working as a trusted advisor, we provide clients with a wide range of “best practices” solutions to improve business performance. Our clients recognize the key advantages of AIMS” consulting approach; appropriate methodologies, measurable results, 20 year experience, and a network of proven consulting professionals.